Surviving The Pandemic with Ayurveda

Really, no matter where you are on Earth, you are living in a time of a major freaking pandemic. Sucks right? The good news here is…..there are some things you can do to get through this. The better news is, it is not all about drinking (booze) and eating (shit aka comfort foods).

You may be wondering “What the hell is Ayurveda?”. Literally, it means “life” (ayur) + “knowledge” (veda). So, in a nutshell it is a holistic way of dealing with life, and health and, well for the sake of this blog post, pandemics.

There are three main “doshas” (natures, constitutions) in Ayurveda. Vata, Pitta and Kapha. When talking about coronavirus, or any pandemic of this magnitude actually, you can say that it is Vata dosha on steroids. Vata, the dosha of air and earth tends to be cold, dry, light, rough and very dynamic. Constantly moving or changing. That is completely what we are experiencing these days. Too much ever-changing information, contradicting opinions and data that makes even the most Kapha person freak the hell out. Anxiety is over the top, which then makes you overwhelmed, scared and out of sorts. Physically you experience digestive upsets, constipation and cravings for sweets.

So, what do you do to counteract this? In Ayurveda, like increase like, and opposites reduce the dosha. So since Vata dosha is dry, think about hydrating. Drink plenty of water and herbal teas (you can always message me for suggestions!) and think about upping your oils when you cook. Vata is also light, so think about using a heavy (or heavier) blanket when you sleep or lay around. Grounding exercises or activities also help. Believe it or not, sitting in a “indian style” position, or being barefoot on the ground are excellent ways to do that. Of course if you know how, do some yoga poses that are grounding or beneficial for a Vata dosha. The most significant thing about a Vata dosha is the dynamic, ever-moving quality. So the opposite of that is simply be still. I mean, its not like we can do anything anyway right? So as Julia Roberts said in Pretty Woman, chill out. Lay like vegetables! Calm your mind, still your body. Trying to figure out this pandemic is going to make you nuts. Put yourself on a cycle. Eat, sleep and exercise at the same time daily. Every single thing (even the atom) is on a cycle. We need this rhythm to regenerate, and sustain ourselves.

The very last thing, keep your immune system strong. Vitamin C, garlic, turmeric daily is a great boost to the immune system. Triphala is a great source of Vitamin C, and its a detox and cleanse supplement. I get mine at a local shop in Sayville, but you can order right from Amazon.

So while your warming up, slowing down, and grounding yourself, take this time to be creative and focus on all of the things that really matter. I love this quote: β€œIt is only in our darkest hours that we may discover the true strength of the brilliant light within ourselves that can never, ever, be dimmed.” β€“ Doe Zantamata


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